The Brattholmen well (4/4-1) is spudded
Published 16/09/2013
The Brattholmen well (4/4-1) was spudded Friday 13th September
The Brattholmen well (4/4-1) was spudded Friday 13 th September. The well is drilled from the jack-up rig Mærsk Giant. The exploration well 4/4-1 for the Brattholmen prospect in PL 541 is located in the southern part of the North Sea, close to the Norwegian-Danish border, approximately 183 nautical miles (nm) south of Lista. The estimated duration of the drilling activities is 52.5 days (P-50), based on a dry hole scenario.
The license partners in PL 541 are:
RENAS (50%), Edison International Norway Branch (35%), Skagen44 AS (7.5%), and Concedo ASA (7.5%).
More information can be obtained from
Morten Hedemark Operations Manager of Concedo ASA, Telephone: +47 90 84 82 59 Email :