Published 09/07/2020
Petrolia has issued the following notice: “Reference is made to the stock notices on 17 June and on 3 July. The licence has decided to drill a side-track well to further evaluate the size of the discovery.” ( )
Published 17/06/2020
The drilling rig, Deepsea Yantai, has arrived PL 882 today and one of the licence partners (Petrolia NOCO) and its main owner (Petrolia SE) have published the two press releases below. Today’s press release from Petrolia SE: Drilling of the Dugong well (PL 882) set to commence by 19th June... More
Published 10/06/2020
On the 10th June 2020, the Annual General Meeting was held in Concedo’s offices in Torvgården, Torvveien 1, 1383 Asker. Attached are the minutes of the meeting: Minutes from Concedo ASA Annual General Meeting 2020 (Norwegian & English).
Published 16/01/2019
Concedo ASA is very pleased with the recent awards in the APA 2018 Concession Round. Three licences were awarded to Concedo: Two licences in the North Sea and one in the Barents Sea. Click here for more information on the official NPD maps.
Published 29/10/2018
Results from the Grosbeak appraisal drilling (PL248I), were today published on the NPD website. The Grosbeak discovery extends into our PL925, located immediately to the east of PL248I. Concedo holds a 10% share of the licence PL925, while the operator Wellesley Petroleum AS holds the remaining 90%. Wellesley Petroleum AS... More
Published 09/05/2018
Concedo’s drilling campaign for the summer is about to commence. The two wells are located in PL 925, approximately 40 km north of the Troll Field. The first well, Kallåsen 35/12-6S, and the second well, Serin 35/12-7, both have contingent sidetracks and well tests depending on the well results.... More
Published 23/03/2018
On the 23rd March 2018, the Annual General Meeting was held in Concedo’s offices in Torvgården, Torvveien 1, 1383 Asker. Attached are the minutes of the meeting: Concedo ASA Annual General Meeting 2018 Minutes (Norwegian & English)