Notice convening Annual General Meeting of Concedo ASA, June 10th, 2020
Published 27/05/2020
Dear shareholder,
Please find attached call for the Annual General Meeting in Concedo ASA (Norwegian and English) and the Annual Report 2019.
The AGM will held on Wednesday 10. June 2020 at 15:00 hours.
Norwegian authorities have imposed stringent restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These include requirements of physical distance between individuals. The shareholders of the Company are therefore requested not to attend the general meeting in person, but rather elect to vote by proxy. Participation from the board of directors and management of the Company will be kept to a minimum. The Company adheres to the at any time applicable public recommendations.
The shareholders have the right to participate in the general meeting via phone, however, to conduct the general meeting in an orderly fashion, the shareholders are requested to pre-vote by giving the voting power to the Chairman of the Board. Shareholders who wish to attend the general meeting via phone and/or wish to pre-vote are requested to return the enclosed form within Monday 8 June 2020 at 16:00 hours to:
Concedo ASA, e-mail:
The call instructions will be given the day before to those wanting to participate
With respect to item 9 in the agenda, the election of Board members, please be informed that the proposal has been supported by the three largest shareholders.